Exhaustive investigation reveals little evidence of possible voter fraud in NH

It only takes 30 seconds for Trump to tell the lie, it takes real people 817 hours to debunk it. This is why Trump lies so much.

‘Trump has insisted illegal votes were cast in New Hamsphire in the 2016 election by people “brought in on buses.”

But an exhaustive review by state election officials has turned up virtually no evidence of possible voter fraud in New Hampshire.

“Various public statements by public officials, starting with the assertion by the president that somehow, his loss of the electoral vote in New Hampshire was due to ‘massive voter fraud,’ and other expressed concerns about voter fraud, Russian interference in elections and voter suppression make it desirable for this commission, which is charged with a role in assuring compliance with election laws in New Hampshire, be informed about that is going on,” Cook said at the start of the data-filled meeting.’ https://goo.gl/pjghPA