Information warfare. 

Information warfare.

‘Remember the “Horseshoe” – Horseshoe theory – Wikipedia

Both the left-wing and right-wing are targeted.

We are given a binary option and we have to choose one of them (actually we don’t HAVE to and it’s better if we don’t)

This week, it’s:

A) Support Trump’s con: Let Trump build his border wall and hand USG contracts to mobbed-up contractors OR

B) “Abolish ICE”

Other weeks, it’s:

A) Support the 2nd amendment, etc, OR
B) Gun control NOW!

This is a particularly lucrative op, because it inevitably results in massive gun and ammunition sales as well as more NRA memberships. $

And still other weeks, it’s:

A) Support Kavanaugh OR
B) Support Ford

And we don’t stop to think for a moment that the purpose of the op was to alienate the Left from a huge moderate conservative segment of the population who hates Trump…right before the midterm elections.

Our tribalism blinds us from the bigger picture, prevents us from seeing just how our enemy weaponizes information, and so we keep losing and the enemy keeps winning.

While our enemy often projects, in all truth, so do we.

As a friend often reminds me…

OUR goals are not THEIR goals.

We need to step back away from our ideological triggers and begin to understand how our enemy thinks.

Using the border wall issue as an example, we need to recognize how choosing sides…EITHER side…helps our enemy.

There is almost always a monetary goal. In the present situation, mobbed-up contractors potentially gain from Trump’s border wall and human traffickers and drug traffickers potentially gain by “abolishing ICE”.

So we all fight with each other and the mob gains…either way.’ – Chris Nethery